Provo Community Congregational United Church of Christ celebrates 130 years in 2021 and kicking off the year with a new campaign to restore the historic buildings exterior, update and expand the interior spaces to be more efficient and better accommodate community events and groups, and improve worship capabilities. This vision has been given to Dave Lewis and Reverend Keith Cupples and we feel fortunate that we have the support and help from so many within our community to bring this vision to fruition. If you would like to learn more, and how you can support the effort, visit KeepingtheFaithProvo.org today! Watch for our special launch on February 21st at 11am MDT on Facebook with a special message by Reverend Cupples, music by Provo Interfaith Choir, and a video. Follow Keeping the Faith in Downtown Provo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Watch our special video with our announcement for Keeping the Faith in Downtown Provo!