Recently the Church has been seeing signs of life again as some of the things we love have been returning. Two of the most recent have been Link and Lunch, and Art Stroll.

Link and Lunch has been on hold for fifteen months and resumed in June. The monthly event is a chance for downtown business owners and civic leaders to network and learn of upcoming items and events within the city and downtown core. The Church and Keeping the Faith in Downtown Provo hosted the return. Provo Deputy Mayor and co-chair of Keeping the Faith in Downtown Provo Isaac Paxman spoke of the importance of the Church being in downtown and the good it brings to the community as a whole, encouraging those in attendance to make a donation and help spread the word of needs of updates and renovation for our iconic buildings and historic congregation.

Reverend Cupples also spoke about feeling the call to act and come together to help one another, rather than be divided or concerned about differences. The wonderful video created earlier this year was also shared.

The artist and visitors in the June Art StrollJune also brought record-setting heat, and the much anticipated return of the Art Stroll to our Church. Guests were welcomed by tunes from bagpipers outside, to refreshing air-conditioning inside. Upon entering through the doors were they were greeted and invited to watch the video and view the large new installation of the art “That One”. Following a guide through the sanctuary a brief history of the Church and our campaign to raise funds to restore and update the facilities to better serve the community and Church was shared and questions answered. Guests were then invited to grab a goodie and a freshly made cool drink mixed by Reverend Cupples as they were able to browse the works of two artists in the Fellowship Hall and Lounge. If guests were so inclined the could also view Meno Trope Hall and memorabilia from years past before leaving. We have also been blessed with assistance from volunteers from the nearby North Park Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that night and on Saturdays to help with cleanup and organization projects around the campus.