Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Image may contain: night, candles and fire, text that says 'CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelighe Services DECEMBER 24 WE INVITE YOU TO ATTEND WORSHIP 7:00 PM COMMUNION 11:00 PM TEDCHURCH CHRIST'

Please join us either in-person* or virtually on Facebook for our Christmas Eve Services. The 7pm will be a family service and includes music from members of the Provo Interfaith Choir, the 11pm is a communion service. Messages will be offered by Reverend Keith Cupples and music by David Lewis.

*Social distancing measures are in place and face masks being worn over nose and mouth are required for all in attendance.


Join us for Worship & Communion @11am with message by Reverend Cupples and music by Dave Lewis and the Provo Interfaith Choir

We invite you to join us for in-person services Worship @11am in the Sanctuary~Bible Study-Sunday School@9.30a in the Lounge.

Masks are required and social distancing measures are in place.  For additional safety, hand sanitizing stations have been installed throughout the building near entrances and in the restrooms, ultraviolet light air purifiers have also been installed in the air handling systems.

It is with heavy heart we share our dear friend, and long-time church member, Peg Wyngarden, passed from glory to glory early this morning.
Please keep her husband Len, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.
Peg’s Memorial Service will be Wednesday, August 26th at 11am at Provo Community Congregational United Church of Christ, located at 175 north University Ave., Provo.
We encourage you to use public transportation, or public parking lots and terraces nearby as parking is limited near the church.
There will be a reception following the Celebration of Life (in the Fellowship Hall). We appreciate your help as we honor the life of our friend Peggy. Please use this sign up to assist in this effort.


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