Dear Members and Friends,
We each have different motivations and capacities for giving, and every gift and pledge is gratefully received. By pledging you are making a commitment to your congregation and an investment in its future. With your help, our congregation will be able to continue with our spiritual growth, community outreach, and daily operations. You may give by clicking on the button below for our secure online giving site. If you have further questions, please contact the Church Office.

The mission of the Provo Community Congregational United Church of Christ is to be a sanctuary for spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and fellowship we strive to be an inclusive, evangelical congregation that affirms and accepts diversity. Jesus fed the five thousand with nothing but five loaves and two fish. Often thinking we don’t have enough, we fail to see and take seriously what we already do have. It is from what we have, not what we don’t, that we find what we need…and then some. (Matthew 14:13-21).

Additionally, if you would like to learn more about and assist the Church in our efforts to restore, renovate, improve the facilities, visit KeepingtheFaithProvo.org. You can also share your stories and memories, learn history of the congregation and buildings, and contribute financially.